Sunday, September 4, 2011

Answering Objections Like A Sales Pro

Step 4: Repeat the Objection, Changing It Slightly

Salesperson: “Just so I’m clear, what you are saying is that while you agree that you like the system and you would give my company the go-ahead to start work as soon as possible, but you feel you need a bit of time to talk it over between you two, without me staring at you. Does that about cover it?”

Prospect: “Yes.”

What the salesperson changed was the first part of the original statement. He repeated the objection, but added that the prospects agreed that they liked the system and would buy it as soon as possible once having a “bit” of time to talk it over without the salesperson being present. That statement also assumed that the prospects only needed a few minutes versus hours, days, or weeks, to think it over.

The repeat but change step is powerful because it allows the prospect to hear his objection repeated but with a carefully worded twist. The twist says he likes the system and would have it installed as soon as possible but ….. (the actual objection repeated).  I have used that step for years and have never had a prospect tell me he didn’t say he liked the system and would have it installed. The prospect always agreed. The change plants the subliminal thought I needed.

Once completing step 4 you are ready to move on to step 5, Isolate the objection. We will discuss that step next time.

Would you like to hear Lou Handle the common Objections in a role playing environment?

Here is how you can.
Order Lou’s New CD – Handling Objections & Closing the Sale
Also a Great tool for Salespeople is Lou’s new E-Book entitled:
Selling Security Systems Like a Pro

In this NEW E-Book Lou teaches salespeople how to prospect, present themselves, your company, the problem, the survey, the investment, and how to answer commonly heard objections. Lou share’s 12 Powerful Closes sure to help salespeople close more sales. The E-Book is available NOW! And the best part is the investment; only$29.99. Wow! How can you beat that? To order go to
Lou Sepulveda Consulting & Training
Book Titles by Lou
How to Manage a Security Sales OrganizationNEW (E-book only)
Selling Security Systems Like a Pro– NEW (E-book only)
The Formula for selling Alarm Systems
Surviving in the Security Alarm Business
Managing to Sell
Gerencia de Ventas Efectiva
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