Sales Management Part Four
Answering Objections & Closing the Sale
Using the 8 step Closing Pattern
Obviously to be successful in any sales career a salesperson must learn how to combat and answer the common objections he or she will encounter selling. In previous Blogs I outlined the most common objections encountered in the security alarm business, so professional security salespeople must learn how to successfully answer the common objections if salespeople are going to have a sustainable career in security sales.
So you ask, what is the correct way to answer objections. The answer to that question is to do so in a way that feels to the prospect as “Conversational,” “we’re just talking here,” versus feeling like the whole experience is “Confrontational.”
If a close appears to the prospect to be “Confrontational,” you may win the battle, but likely, all too often, you will lose the sale.
I have learned how to insure that when you answer an objection, the prospect will feel comfortable with your “Conversational Manner and approach.”
To turn answering objections into a friendly, yet effective, conversation, utilize the 8 step closing pattern. Here it is:
The Eight Step Closing Pattern
Step One – Listen
Listen completely and intently to every word the prospect is saying as he or she objects. Resist the urge to conclude you know what the prospect is saying before they finish talking. Learn to clear your mind of thought until you hear every single word.
Here’s why. Suppose you asked the prospect to buy by saying something like this:
“Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, the system we’ve just designed to protect you home and family can be installed for only $____________ installation and only $_________ per month. Now, when I left my office I noticed we could install a system of this size next week on Tuesday or we could install it on Thursday, which day is best for you?”
Of course the absolute rule in sales is, once asking a closing question, shut-up! The next on that speaks loses! Or Buys!
So, suppose you asked that question and in response Mrs. Johnson says this:
“You know, (your name), as a rule we never make decisions on the spur of the moment. We have learned to wait awhile before deciding; sleeping on the decision. And our experience has proven that waiting and thinking is the right thing to do.”
All too many salespeople wouldn’t have listened all through the above statement. As soon as they heard “we never make decisions on the spur of the moment,” they would have decided they knew what the prospect was objecting to, and wouldn’t have even heard the last part of the above which was “And our experience has proven that waiting and thinking is the right thing to do.” Instead the salesperson hears only a faint noise coming from the prospect because he is already thinking of his answer.
What the salesperson also didn’t hear is what the prospect said after the final statement above. Here is what the salesperson missed.
“However, (salesperson’s name) your system looks so good and everything you said makes so much sense, we will go against what we normally do and just say yes.”
But because the salesperson didn’t here that last part or maybe even the sentence before that one, once the prospect finishes talking the salesperson launches into his or her “Think About It” answer.
Now the prospect is really confused! And all too often the sale is lost.
Effective listening is a skill that will put money in your bank account. You owe it to yourself, as well as to the prospect, to listen completely and intently to what the prospect says. They will give you clues as to what they like, don’t like, and what will cause them to make a positive buying decision.
Would you like to hear Lou Handle the common Objections in a role playing environment? Here is how you can.
Order Lou’s New CD – Handling Objections & Closing the Sale
Also a Great tool for Salespeople is Lou’s new E-Book entitled:
Selling Security Systems Like a Pro
In this NEW E-Book Lou teaches salespeople how to prospect, present themselves, your company, the problem, the survey, the investment, and how to answer commonly heard objections. Lou share’s 12 Powerful Closes sure to help salespeople close more sales. The E-Book is coming real soon to online bookstores everywhere. And the best part is the investment; only $29.99. Wow! How can you beat that?
To Learn more about Lou Sepulveda C.P.P. and what he has to offer to help Security Professionals succeed go to Lou's web site - www.lousepulveda.comLou Sepulveda Consulting & Training
Book Titles by Lou
How to Manage a Security Sales Organization – NEW (E-book only)
Selling Security Systems Like a Pro – NEW (E-book only)
The Formula for selling Alarm Systems
Surviving in the Security Alarm Business
Managing to Sell
Gerencia de Ventas Efectiva
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